Journal Articles

Responding to The Atlantic - ‘Dogs Are Entering a New Wave of Domestication’
I read an article recently in The Atlantic that left such an impression that I felt it was worth sharing my thoughts on from the perspective of dog ownership in the UK, because it seemed to highlight something that I’ve been feeling in my own work with dogs and their owners for years now. It raises a fundamental question about what we want and expect from our dogs - and I would also argue - how good we are at selecting for it in the dogs we choose to bring into our homes.

Fear Season Episode 4. | Affection and Fear - can you reassure a fearful dog?
As we reach the halfway point of Fear Season 2025, I wanted to explore one of the biggest debates when it comes to working with fearful dogs - whether or not it is right to give affection to, or otherwise try and reassure a fearful dog - and how you might go about this.

Case Profile: The Doodle
In this case profile, we revisit one of the most popular groups of dogs on the planet, and one of the types of dogs that we see most often for behavioural issues - the poodle crosses.

Dominance is Not a Myth. An Essay.
The big one. In this essay, we look in depth about the word and the science that causes more arguments than any other in the dog training world. Dominance.

Fear Season Episode 3. | Are we dealing with fireworks night in the right way?
Let’s take a fresh look at fireworks night. What works, what doesn’t, and what can you change?

Case Profile: The Labrador
Here we explore one of the world’s most famous breeds - and a breed that we know very well! The Labrador. This walking contradiction most commonly suffers with two issues that people would expect the least - a distrust of strangers and a fear of loud noises.

Case Profile: The Sighthound
In this case profile, we explore some of the most common behaviours that clients experience in a group of breeds that only have two speeds - On, and Off. The Cheetah of the dog world that also doubles up as a couch potato - the Sighthound.

Our Top Food Recommendations for UK Dogs - the 2024 edition!
Health and nutrition is an important part of the puzzle when it comes to your dogs behaviour, and its been a while since we’ve updated our food recommendations. So it’s high time we did a run through of our top dog food picks for 2024!

Case Profile: The German Shepherd
Learn about the most common issues that we resolve in German Shepherds - the dog that pays a behaviourists wages!

Case Profile: The Miniature Dachshund
As a sausage dog owner myself, it’s high time we discuss the most common issues that we resolve in miniature dachshunds- yep, its barking like a Doberman!

Three great Questions to ask when looking for a dog training professional (and three not-so-great questions).
“Great trainers across the spectrum of dog training produce happier, healthier dogs and solid training outcomes. Most of them can demonstrate it and evidence it, both through videos and through the feedback and reviews from their clients.“

Fear Season Episode 2. | Why fearful dogs tear up the Rulebook
“Know your least bad options. Know your progressions - and learn how to nurture these decisions in the short term, to open up opportunities for something even better in the long term.”

Fear Season Episode 1. | Why Medication doesn’t heal fearful dogs.
Over the last few years, it has become increasingly common to work with clients with fearful dogs, who have been described medications to resolve issues such as fear of loud noises, going on a walk, fear based reactivity and Aggression…In this article, we’re going to focus on a few key reasons why medication isn’t going to resolve major problems relating to fear.

Statement on the XL Bully Ban
The UK Government has announced that they will be introducing a Ban on the XL Bully breed. At The Dogs Way, we have always been against breed specific legislation - and having trained in the US with Pitbulls that are already banned in the UK, I know first hand that a breed is just a label… So why is this breed being singled out?

Case Profile: The Border Collie
Learn about the most common issues that we resolve in border collies - including lunging at cars and bikes, nipping and biting children, and fear of loud noises.

The nightmare of Littermate Syndrome
It’s time we talked about littermate syndrome, and why I no longer take on littermate pairs for rehabilitation work.

FOOD - My Top Recommendations to Save Money AND improve your dogs nutrition!
I’ve been wanting to spend some time writing about dog food and nutrition for a while now, but with a new puppy in the home, and inflation pinching at my wallet, there has never been a better time to talk about how you can save money on your dog food, and significantly improve the quality of what you are feeding your dog.

Case Profile: The European Street Dog
Learn about the most common issues that we resolve in european street dogs - including territorial and possessive behaviour, reactivity and aggression!

Case Profile: The Spaniel
My favourite breed, the most emotionally intelligent dog on the planet, and the dog that will redefine what it means to be calm - lets talk about the Spaniel!

What to look out for and avoid when finding a Dog Trainer… (in the opinion of another a dog trainer.)
There is a joke in my industry that the only thing which two dog trainers agree on is that the third dog trainer is wrong. And whilst it is certainly true that there is a great deal of variation in terms of tools, techniques and philosophy in the industry - I think its important to bring attention to some of the most common ‘poor’ experiences of dog training to look out for…