Journal Articles

Case Profile: The Doodle
In this case profile, we revisit one of the most popular groups of dogs on the planet, and one of the types of dogs that we see most often for behavioural issues - the poodle crosses.

Case Profile: The Labrador
Here we explore one of the world’s most famous breeds - and a breed that we know very well! The Labrador. This walking contradiction most commonly suffers with two issues that people would expect the least - a distrust of strangers and a fear of loud noises.

Case Profile: The Sighthound
In this case profile, we explore some of the most common behaviours that clients experience in a group of breeds that only have two speeds - On, and Off. The Cheetah of the dog world that also doubles up as a couch potato - the Sighthound.

Case Profile: The German Shepherd
Learn about the most common issues that we resolve in German Shepherds - the dog that pays a behaviourists wages!

Case Profile: The Miniature Dachshund
As a sausage dog owner myself, it’s high time we discuss the most common issues that we resolve in miniature dachshunds- yep, its barking like a Doberman!

Case Profile: The Border Collie
Learn about the most common issues that we resolve in border collies - including lunging at cars and bikes, nipping and biting children, and fear of loud noises.

Case Profile: The European Street Dog
Learn about the most common issues that we resolve in european street dogs - including territorial and possessive behaviour, reactivity and aggression!

Case Profile: The Spaniel
My favourite breed, the most emotionally intelligent dog on the planet, and the dog that will redefine what it means to be calm - lets talk about the Spaniel!