Relationship Centred Training.
Psychology | Relationship | Behaviour
“We look at everything from the dogs point of view. Their psychology, their instincts, their rules.”
More than a ‘Dog Behaviourist’. Deeper than Dog Training.
Meet Relationship Centred Training.
When we use the word Dog Behaviourist, we mean it. The Dog’s Way is dedicated exclusively to resolving behavioural issues, and grounded in Dog Psychology at every level. Not obedience training, sport training, or Gun dog training wrapped up as dog behaviour. Everything we do is based on your dogs experience of the world, their psychology, how they learn, and their relationship with you.
Just like a visit to the vet, we need to go through things in a practical, hands on way and see the behaviour in person. We offer sessions both at our secure paddock, as home visits, and in real world locations - depending on your dogs needs and the stage in their journey - which means we can always work with you and your dog safely, on a one to one basis, no matter how severe the behaviours you are dealing with.
Our dogs are on hand to help with your dogs behaviour assessment, and act as ambassadors for practical learning. They’re trained to stay calm even if your dog is not - and they help to act as a positive influence on your dogs behaviour. No stuffed animals or chasing strangers and their dogs around the park. Just our awesome pack of ambassador dogs.
Our international training background allows us to provide a much higher level of assessment and diagnosis. We want to know your dogs temperament and health, their background, and most importantly their relationship with you - so we can get to the root cause of the issues. Knowing the real problem means we can help you make the changes that will have the biggest impact.
Dog behaviourists for York, Harrogate and the Surrounding Yorkshire Region. Specialist, advanced dog behaviour support and guidance for the dogs that need more help than local dog trainers can provide.
Our dog behaviour specialisations are key areas of expertise that we help owners and their dogs with every day. Click to find out more about:
We think you’ll love us if you align with our training values:
A lot of modern training centres around high levels of excitement and stimulation, but as dog behaviourists, we believe that Calmness is the best foundation on which to build your relationship with your dog, so it acts as the centre to everything we do.
As behaviour specialists, we know that calmness is what is almost always lacking in the cases we work with, so calmness is what guides our lead work and handling, our conflict resolution systems and our confidence building processes. It’s the number one thing that our clients observe about us - and it’s how we want you and your dog to be when you leave.
We want every client to feel safe, which means being Calm, Confident and in control of their dogs. It’s a prerequisite for any learning and growth - not an outcome - So its always be our first priority. Our secure paddock with an 8 foot fence - provides a safe, neutral space for us to work with you and your dog. And we work with you to find the right tools for your needs, that you can rely on for safe and secure handling.
We don’t expect you to be an expert, and we know that your time is important, so we don’t waste it. We teach you to make the small changes which will have the biggest impact on your life with your dog - so it’s as easy as possible for you to succeed. It’s one of the many ways we can help you save time and get the most out of your sessions.
Our dogs are intimately tied to our own lives - our own emotions, our anxieties, challenges and struggles, and our behaviour has a huge influence on theirs. Our dogs know how we feel, and we cannot lie to them. Part of being a dog behaviourist means encouraging you to be 100% open and honest about your own emotions, without judgement. It's an essential part of how we work with you - so we can work with you on your own development too.
We want you to use your time with us as an opportunity to decompress and get your feelings out in the open. The clients who commit most to this core principle are always the ones who get the most out of their sessions.
We want everyone to build a relationship with their dog that starts with understanding dogs at their own level, communicating in their language and respecting their natural behaviour. We don’t believe in creating circus animals that will jump through hoops for a piece of cheese, and we don’t believe it is healthy to humanise a dog and confuse their behaviour with our own human emotions and interpretations.
We want people to have fair and realistic expectations of their dogs that respect their species, breed and individual temperament - and we want to help you work with your dog by achieving a much deeper level of understanding of who they are, and how to fulfil their needs.

Let us know how we can help. Book in for a complimentary onboarding call, so we can better understand your needs.
“A Dog’s Energy is nothing but honest. By just observing the dog, I can get a good sense of what a situation really is.” - Cesar Millan